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What are the differences between Islam & christianity?

Islam and Christianity, two of the world's largest religions, have distinct beliefs, practices, and teachings. A primary difference lies in their concept of God. Muslims believe in one God, Allah, while Christians believe in the Holy Trinity: God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The role of prophets is interpreted differently. Muslims believe God revealed his message through a series of prophets, with Muhammad being the last. Christians, however, see Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the ultimate prophet, sent to save humanity from sin and death.

Their religious scriptures also differ. Muslims consider the Quran, revealed to Muhammad over 23 years, as the word of God. Christians believe in the Bible, comprising the Old and New Testaments, with the latter focusing on Jesus Christ's life and teachings.

Prayer practices vary too. Muslims pray five times a day, reciting Quranic prayers towards Mecca. Christians pray in church or at home, often using aids like prayer beads, candles, and crucifixes.

Finally, perceptions of death and afterlife differ. Both believe in a Day of Judgment, but Muslims believe those leading a righteous life following Islam's teachings, will enter Paradise, while Christians believe those following Jesus will enter Heaven.

In conclusion, Islam and Christianity, while sharing a common goal of promoting peace and brotherhood, have distinct beliefs about God, prophets, scriptures, prayer, and afterlife.